Monday, February 18, 2008

All I can say is Wow.

It has been a trying week...let's see, where to begin....

Last Monday night I got a call from my aunt who had just spoken to my mom and she informed that my mom was down to her last few days of (highly addictive narcotic) pain pills and that since her primary care physician wasn't going to give her any more, she was thinking about ending it all. I called and she promised me she wouldn't do anything stupid and I promised her I would come get her the next day and bring her up here to get some help. Thankfully one of her lifelong friends showed up that night and stayed with her until after midnight to make sure she was going to be okay. I picked her up on Tuesday and with the help of a few friends/family, made phone calls to 3 different pain management specialist to see if we could get in on short notice....all we needed was a 5 minute consultation whereby they would refer mom into a rehab to get her cleaned up. No takers....ever...still waiting on call backs from them.

Wednesday night I came down with the flu....good times.

On Thursday, not having heard from anyone and mom running out of pills, my lovely bride loaded mom up and took her to the ER at St. Anthony's and after 4 hours of fun, they left with a prescription for a few more days of pills and hope that if we kept calling in every morning at 9, they would eventually have a room for her at the St. Anthony's START program. It was a tense few days but by the grace of God, we got her in Saturday and she is well on her way to recovery.

Thank you to all that prayed for us and we would ask that you continue to pray. Mom's name is Nancy LeJeune.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

"A Church Where Everybody Feels at Home"

I guess some people have a twisted view of home life???

I stole this from Tony Jones' blog.