Sunday, January 27, 2008

Preparing for something big!

It's a catchy title for sure. Once upon a time it would have been followed by some story of grand visions of revival or tons of salvations. The longer I'm alive, the more I realize that God has big plans for us that usually include a lot of small (seemingly insignificant) actions. I'm reminded of a quote by Shane Claiborne who said, “Get ready, friends…God is preparing us for something really, really-small.” There is something (evil) in all of us that tells us that if we aren't over achieving and leading the pack, we are worthless. We have to have big buildings and tons of conversions. It seems like many are looking for this "revival" or "awakening" where God sweeps in and saves a bunch of people. I wonder why? Could it be that we are not wanting to go through the inconvenience of having to truly live out a sacrificial life committed to the Kingdom of God? We want God to do it for us. God forbid we actually have to get out there and take responsibility for our part in God's story.

I think all of it comes from a distorted view of Christ and His gospel. If we truly believe that we were created for a life in relationship with God and others, we will see the calling to follow Christ as more than punching a ticket to Heaven. We will see that Christ died so that, as John 10:10 tells us, " might have life and life more abundantly". We are called/claimed/saved for far more than a ticket to Heaven. A historical look at this "good news" of the gospel shows us that Jesus had much more than salvation in mind for us. He was calling them to realign their allegiance from following the king of the times and his plans to a new and different life of sacrifice, grace, justice and compassion.

Prepare for something big. Just don't be surprised if your something big is a conversation with someone that is hurting and needs an encouraging word. God might just give you an opportunity to feed or cloth someone who needs it. Keep your eyes open for something big! Many times it will look like "the least of these" and be something so seemingly insignificant that you might be tempted to fly right past it for something bigger.

Do something small for the Kingdom.

1 comment:

Cathy Hutchison said...

Wow. A very cool piece. I love the contrast between the hype and the reality. More than that the beauty of "smallness."

As I was sitting here pondering your post, I thought about the verse where Jesus compares the kingdom of heaven to yeast mixed into a flour until it works all through the dough.

Sometimes I wonder if we won't wake up one day to find the kingdom of heaven was all around us the whole time, but we've missed it because we were looking for something huge instead of lots of "somethings small".