Thursday, July 17, 2008

Q & A

Relevant Magazine recently asked,

"As the Church moves forward in the new millennium, what is the biggest problem facing the body of Christ?"

Chuck Colson:

"We have substituted therapy for Truth. We hear a feel-good message, and we’ve lost our understanding of the basic truths of Christianity. The world is defining us by the attacks of aggressive secularists, best-selling authors who admit to being anti-theists. They will continue to define us unless we learn how to define ourselves—and not only define ourselves, but live out our faith in such a way that people can see the invisible Kingdom made visible in our midst."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. I really like that quote.

I once heard a man be really critical of what he called "the church of Dr. Phil" but then I started thinking...

If you are a church in a poor neighborhood, then meeting practical needs focuses on food and shelter.

But what if you are a church in a middle class or upscale neighborhood? Then don't the practical needs encompass therapy?

I think the danger is in focusing on "the therapy"...the "do this 1, 2, 3 to fix your life" and in ignoring encountering Christ.

That is the real life skill. How do you connect with Him on a daily basis so the 1,2,3 gets hardwired and becomes who you are over what you do.